902 in OKC* - United States - Directed by Mackenzie Lee Baumert

dancedance/Re♦Volution* - South Africa - Directed by Mark Freeman

Dancing Through* - Canada - Directed by Anika Syskakis & Madelaine McCallum

FLAWS - New Zealand - Directed by Seidah TUAOI

Incubus* - New Zealand - Directed by Jose L Gay Cano

I want to make a film about women - Australia - Directed by Karen Pearlman

Los Perros del Barrio Colosal* - United States - Directed by Drew Brown

Oborozuki - Cuba - Directerd by Joseph Ros

Radix - Italy - Directed by Cristiano Leone

Watch, and Being Watched - China - Directed by Siye Tao|陶思烨

(*) Indicates Award Winner

Barbarians - France* — Directed by Romain Rachline Borgeaud

Our Planet Destiny- China* — Directed by Chen Li

Dancing Inward - United State — Directed by Shuming Zhang

Morning - United States* — Directed by Holly Wilder

Dear Dancer - Sweden* — Directed by Marcus Lindeen

Pit Stop- United States* — Directed by Andy Noble & Dionne Noble

Temporary Contemporary - Switzerland — Directed by Oliver David Brand

Remain - New Zealand* — Directed by Kit Reilly

Living on the Threshold - France* — Directed by Vincent Bruno, & Marine Chesnais

Hello Again - United States — Directed by Idalmy Vandepas-Carcache

Berceuse - United States — Directed by Rachel Malehorn

The Shadow Between Us- United States — Directed by Lance Murphy

(*) Indicates Award Winner

2022 RTDFF Official Selection

2021 RTDFF Official Selection

Like Holy Wine - United States — Directed by Leonora Pitts

Liminality - United States* — Directed by Jennifer Akalina Petuch & Annali Rose

My Own Worst Enemy - Netherlands — Directed by Harrie Verbeek & Jelena Kostić

Collective Loss - United States — Directed by Alyssa Thompson

Lazarus - United States — Directed by Tuixén Benet

See You When You Appear- United States* — Directed by Holly Wilder

GOLDEN - United States — Directed by Kate Mitchell

Bad Feeling - French Polynesia — Directed by Nyko PK16

Umoja - Germany* — Directed by Michael Maurissens

UTSYN/Outlook - Norway — Directed by Einy Am-Sparks

Invisible Threads pt. 1 - United Kingdom* — Directed by Rick Guest & Kate Dawkins

Turned to Light - United Kingdom* — Directed by Luke Naylor-Perrott

SEISMIC: The Cost of Oil - United States* — Directed by Katie Ann Magyar, Ralph Andre Ravix

Sintonia - Italy

The Daughters of Bernarda - Brazil* — Directed by Ivan Abujamra

(*) Indicates Award Winner

2020 RTDFF Official Selection

Dancing in Silk - France* — Directed by Magali An Berthon

ICON - Netherlands* — Directed by Guillaume Versteeg

The Stop - Russia * — Directed by Liudmila Komrakova

T.I.A. (THIS is Africa) - France* — Directed by Matthieu MAUNIER-ROSSI

Dancing7Cities - New Zealand* — Directed by Nicholas Rowe

Sirens Tango - United States — Directed by Lisa Le Lievre

Orenda - Spain* — Directed by Camila Saldarriaga

Breathing Spaces - United States — Directed by Carolyn Pampalone Rabbers

Intrinsic Moral Evil - Netherlands — Directed by Harm Weistra

(*) Indicates Award Winner

2019 RTDFF Official Selection

Veer - Norway* — Directed by Mariama Slåttøy, Sveinung Gjessing

The Return - Russia* — Directed by Liudmila Komrakova

Red Tale - France* — Directed by Alexey Smirnov

I am Fine - France* — Directed by Victoria Donnet

Porcelain - United Kingdom* — Directed by Roswitha Chesher

The Gunpowder Mill - United Kingdom* — Directed by Katherine Whetton

Challenging The Call - United States* — Directed by Milik Robinson

Mother's Balls - Netherlands* — Directed by Catherine van Campen

Tremore - Germany — Directed by Anh Tú Nguyen

Gentle Encounter - Austria — Directed by Götz Raimund

The Red Shoes - Russia — Directed by Alexey Smirnov

Gaman - United States — Directed by Marissa Osato

Duality - United States — Directed by Richard Gerst

Tete de courbe - Russia — Directed by Lada Iskanderova

The Sun is God - United Kingdom — Directed by Alice Pennefather

Everyday - United States — Directed by Audrey Pincus

counter//balance - United States — Directed by Anuradha Rana

NIVETTE - France — Directed by GAETAN BOSCHINI, MELODIE CECCHINI, Les Schini’s Company

(*) Indicates Award Winner

2018 RTDFF Official Selection